Explain like I’m 5.

What is Blogvent? (tl;dr I am going to write one post a day for all of December as a way to practice writing.)

Very funny

Monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors

Explaining monads has turned into this cultural joke within the circle of programmers. Most likely originating from this post by James Iry which is poking fun at descriptions like this one from Categories for the Working Mathematician by Saunders Mac Lane.


This is probably a wonderful description for mathematicians or others that have brains that work well in this area, but the joke is still great.

So what are monads?

Technically all of those books and descriptions are right, those are monoids, they are in the endofunctor category. But this isn’t helping. As I mentioned in the Subsumption post. I am a bear of very little brain, and I need this explained to me in nice and simple way.

A foot in the door

One way of starting to grasp a concept is to look at the problem it solves. Why would I bring this tool with me?

Let’s imagine that you need to do some work and this is the function you have. This is not any language, just some pseudocode.

Result DoSomeWork(/* some input data */)
    if (/* some error check */)

    Result res = /* some work */
    return res;

There is actually a problem with this style of programming. What do you return when you have the error? You could embed the error state in the Result type, you could use in/out variables and return bool

…or you could wrap the Result type in something that can signal to the outside world what happened. Do we have a result or not?

So types like std::optional, std::expected in C++ can be thought of as “Monadic” but it’s usually followed by saying that types like that should have a “Monadic interface”, so what is that?


If you would have this wrapper type (like std::optional), the most important part is that it behaves in a specific way and has certain functionality. Most importantly when being used as an argument into a function.

Because if you only had std::optional as a wrapper for your value, you’d be filling your codebase with conditional checks to see if you actually have a value or not. So in this excellent proposal by Sy Brand which was accepted for C++23, this kind of interface was added to std::optional.

So if I use their motivating example, you go from:

std::optional<image> get_cute_cat (const image& img) {
    auto cropped = crop_to_cat(img);
    if (!cropped) {
      return std::nullopt;

    auto with_tie = add_bow_tie(*cropped);
    if (!with_tie) {
      return std::nullopt;

    auto with_sparkles = make_eyes_sparkle(*with_tie);
    if (!with_sparkles) {
      return std::nullopt;

    return add_rainbow(make_smaller(*with_sparkles));

to something like

std::optional<image> get_cute_cat (const image& img) {
    return crop_to_cat(img)

Because the crop_to_cat function returns a std::optional which has a function called and_then that does the checks for you, etc, etc.

So to get your foot in the door with the idea of monads:

A wrapper type that helps you call multiple functions one after another without the boilerplate of error checking.

Is there more too it? Sure, but this is fine for now.


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